IT solutions for your software needs.
HIT Education Products
At Hupp Information Technologies (HIT) we specialize in information technology software solutions. We provide the following commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products. These products can be customized to any individual organization's specific needs. If you don't see the product you're looking for below, HIT also has extensive experience designing, developing and implementing fully customized products built from the ground up. No matter what type of product you need, our extremely professional technology consultants will work with you to develop a software solution that exceeds all your unique needs and expectations.
Single Sign-On System
The HIT Single Sign-On System (HIT-SSO) is a user authentication system that allows multiple applications to be accessed with a single user id and password. More
Licensure System
The HIT Licensure System (HIT-LS) automates the entire certification process from applicants to administrators, making it easier and more efficient for everyone. More
Child Nutrition System
The HIT Child Nutrition System (HIT-CNS) reimburses local school districts and other entities who participate in federally and locally funded meal service programs. More
School Accreditation System
The HIT School Accreditation System (HIT-ACCRED) is a comprehensive system that automatically assesses and determines accreditation compliance based on all sources of data and displays the status. More
Special Education System
The HIT Special Education System (HIT-SES) is a consolidated case management solution that handles all due process, mediation, complaints, focused monitoring and IEP activity all in one easy to access solution. More